Albanian Couple Killed for Jealousy in Venice

Italian investigators have reconstructed the horror scene of the murder of the Albanian couple in Spinea, Venice, Mynevere Karabollaj and Flonino Merkuri.

The perpetrator entered the ex-wife's villa on Leopardi street on November 20, where he first fired a pistol at her, and then attacked her boyfriend with a knife, who tried to escape the perpetrator by hiding in the garage, but the perpetrator shot him again causing 55 wounds.

Afterwards, Viron Karabollaj returned to the villa, where he started shooting the 37-year-old woman with a knife, inflicting 10 wounds on her body, which then brought her immediate death.

None of the neighbors heard either the gunshots or the screams of the victims. It was one of the victim's daughters, who returned home and saw her mother's boyfriend murdered in the garage, while her dead mother was also upstairs in the apartment.

The cause of this serious crime is suspected to be jealousy and the fact that Viron Karabollaj has not accepted the separation with Mynevere. She separated from her husband three years ago and lived with her two daughters. For a year and a half she had a new partner.