Head of the Italian Confindustria in Albania, Sergio Fontana

BoA Urged to Counter Euro Devaluation

The head of the Italian Confindustria in Albania, Sergio Fontana, in an interview for "MCN Economy" called for intervention to stabilize the Euro exchange rate in the domestic market.

“Many things need to be improved such as legal certainty, we need to be completely clear that when we buy a plot of land we will not have problems in the future. There should be no ambiguity when it comes to legislation, businesses have problems when it comes to corruption. Business needs an environment with clear rules, few rules but guaranteed by everyone,” Fontana said.

He added that entrepreneurs have problems with corruption and need a guarantee that even the court will not become a subject of corruption. “There have been positive changes, and there are steps forward, but Albania must improve further in this direction if it is to join Europe,” said Fontana.

On the other hand, the head of Confindustria said that businesses are facing very serious problems due to the devaluation of the euro.

“Every company that produces in Albania and has to sell abroad is facing great difficulties. At the time when I was elected president of Confindustria, 1 euro was exchanged for 114 Lek, today 1 euro is exchanged for 98 Lek. The devaluation of the euro has completely blocked the exports we have in Albania to other countries, primarily those to Italy. It is no longer profitable to produce in Albania with this level of exchange rate. It is imperative that the Albanian state, through the Bank of Albania, finds the necessary mechanisms to stabilize the euro-lek exchange rate,” Fontana said.

“I think introducing the euro would be a good way to solve this problem. Only a stable currency can create added value and wealth in a country. It is a very serious problem, Albanian export companies are facing very serious difficulties. For someone who is paid in euros and has expenses in lek, where the euro is no longer worth what it used to be, their purchasing power has been affected. It's a real problem,” the head of Confindustria said.

“For an entity that produces in Albania and exports to Italy, the product does not have the same value. It is essential that the Albanian state, through the Bank of Albania, addresses this problem and finds a solution. Measures are needed that this lack of stability is not at all positive, at this point everyone must agree that this lack of stability is not the right thing,” he noted.

“Whatever the price of the euro, this will bring problems with the investment. We have communicated with our embassy, ??the Albanian government is aware of this issue and I hope it will be resolved as soon as possible. Albania's entry into the euro area will probably be the right solution,” he noted.

Until now, the Bank of Albania has maintained the position that the exchange rate is free, although the export business has constantly complained that it is being damaged by the devaluation of the euro.