Conference of Chairmen Gathers for New President’s Election after 1st Round’s Fail

Albanian Parliament failed yesterday to elect the new president of the Republic in the first round and to determine a new date, the Conference of Presidents convened this Tuesday, at 10:00. 

Plenary session held on Monday at 17:00 lasted only 3 minutes, where it was announced that no candidacy has been registered by the political parties. The second round must be within 7 days, meaning by May 24. 

Although there was no candidate to be voted on, according to the Constitution of Albania, this is called an exhausted voting round, and then will continue with the other rounds. 

Meanwhile, the Constitution provides for 5 rounds of voting for the election of the President of the Republic of Albania. In the first three rounds, the President must be elected with 3/5 of the votes, so 84 votes. 

According to the changes made in the Constitution, if at the end of the three rounds a person has not been elected yet, then it passes to the fourth round, where the President must be elected with 71 votes. 

If in the fourth round, one of the remaining candidates in the race does not obtain 71 votes, it is passed to vote in the fifth round, where again 71 votes are needed. 

If it fails even in the fifth round, then Parliament is dispersed, early elections are held and it will be the new majority that will elect the President.