Database of Albanians' Phone Numbers Made Public by Iranian Hackers

Iranian hackers have published on Monday a database with telephone numbers of Albanians, as well as a history of all telephone companies that have operated in Albania, specifically from 2018 to 2022. 

Although it is unclear where the extracts in question came from, in the database sent to the Homeland Justice group is a list of 14 million mobile numbers. 

In addition to the numbers, the hackers also placed personal data such as first name, last name, mother's and father's name, identity card number, date of birth and date when the mobile number was registered. 

Furthermore, they have published footage from a MEK Iranian base in Albania, writing that they have used Albanian numbers to carry out terrorist attacks around the world. 

"Albanian telephone lines have been used in the service of terrorist activities of the MEK in other countries", said the message of hackers on the Telegram communication network.