Ex-PM Blames Albania's Depopulation on Corruption

Former Prime Minister and Head of the Democratic Party (DP), Sali Berisha has declared Friday that the reason for the depopulation of Albania is the violation of elections, corruption and the construction of a monist government, where all institutions are under the control of a single man. 

During a media statement from the blue headquarters, Berisha stressed that the majority in power has killed the hope of citizens by forcing them to leave the country, holding Prime Minister Rama as the main responsible for the depopulation of Albania. 

"The fundamental cause of the depopulation of Albania is the fictitious voting of the Albanians, due to the violation of the elections through the patronageist system, the buying of votes, the machinery of the state party and the use of gangs in the elections. Edi Rama has killed the hope of the Albanians by violating the elections. 

One year after the fictitious elections, the emigration of Albanians to Britain increased by 15%. 

Establishing monism in Albania. Edi Rama controls all powers and constitutional institutions, with the Sorosian reform, he also controls the justice system. He holds 10% more power than the last communist dictator, Ramiz Alia.

Rama's terrible connections with crime and drugs is another reason why Albanians leave. According to DoS reports, Albania has become the center of international criminal organizations. The Supreme State Control has proven that 8.2 billion euros have been stolen in 7 years, which is equivalent to two budgets. Public works in Albania cost 7 to 10 times more than in the countries of the European Union. 

Edi Rama himself took office as prime minister accused by the OSCE of having 200 million euros hidden in offshore banks and he never reacted to this", said Berisha.