Head of Albanian Orthodox Church in Boston Passes Away

Father Arthur Liolin, a prominent figure of the Orthodox Church and the Albanian-American community, has passed away at the age of 80. 

"On September 28, 2023, Arthur Liolin, Head of the Albanian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America, passed away. A great loss for the family, for the church where he served and for the entire Albanian community in America. Father Arhur Liolin was a student of Monsignor Theofan Noli and devotedly continued his work", writes the Autocephalous Orthodox Church of Albania. 

The Metropolis of Korça stated that, "With deep sadness we received the news of Father Arthur Liolin's sleep in God. A great loss for his family, the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese in America as well as for the entire Albanian community in America". 

Artur Evans Liolini was born on June 19, 1943 in New York, to Albanian parents from Boboshtica in Korça. In 1967, he finished his studies in Art History (Middle Ages and Byzantium) at "Princeton" University. In 1970, he became a priest in Boston and served the Albanian community in Saint George's Cathedral. 

In 1975, he was appointed Chancellor of the Albanian Archdiocese of the Orthodox Church in America, which he served until his death. During his service, Father Arthur enlivened the spiritual life and activities of the Albanian Orthodox community. He also studied at the "Albert Schweitzer" Institute in Switzerland in the program: "Crisis in Western Civilization," which includes a series of economic, cultural, historical and philosophical researches. 

Father Arthur Liolin has written many articles about the Albanian issue in the newspaper "Dielli", and further in various magazines such as "Liria", Illyria", "Koha Jonë" etc. In 1970, he was ordained a priest in Boston, where he served the Albanian-American community. 

He organized the Fan Noli Library, near St. George's Cathedral in Boston. In 1975 he was appointed Chancellor of the Albanian Orthodox Bishopric of America. Therefore, he was recently evaluated as a worthy successor of Fan Noli, the founder of the Albanian Orthodox Archdiocese, where Liolin was chancellor. In 1991 Father Liolion made the most famous trip of his life, where he preached in 22 cities of Albania.