Minister of State for Youth Bora Muzhaqi and Governor Gent Sejko

Financial Education, Essential for Reducing Cash

The Bank of Albania said on Wednesday it has organized the "Youth School for Financial Education" activity in its new premises at Dajti Building, with the participation of around 60 students of high schools from Tirana, Durrës, and Elbasan.

The two-day activity was organized as part of the initiative of the Albanian Government to improve financial education in pre-university education, led by the Minister of State for Youth and Children, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and Sports, the Bank of Albania, and other stakeholders.

The educational program aimed to help young people acquire sustainable financial skills. Based on its impact and success, this pilot program for financial education targeted to young people may be developed at a national level in the future and be included in the curricula of pre-university schools.

Financial education is crucial in helping young people build a sustainable relationship with finances from an early age. Learning about savings, money management, and spending, makes them more responsible and aware of financial decisions that affect their future. This helps them handle economic difficulties and develop stable financial strategies.

At the launching ceremony, the Governor of the Bank of Albania Gent Sejko, and the Minister of State for Youth and Children Bora Muzhaqi delivered the welcome remarks for participants.

In his address, the Governor said that the commitment of the Bank of Albania in the field of financial education began early in the past and has experienced continuous growth, with a wide range of educational products and programs tailored for various age groups, particularly the younger generation. He highlighted the scholar module "Personal Finance in Your Hands," which has been part of the curriculum since 2011 and can be chosen by high school students in any of the three years of their school years. So far, around 100,000 copies of this module have been distributed for free throughout Albania.

He stressed out that for the Bank of Albania, the financial education of young people plays a decisive role in strengthening their financial protection as future consumers, and the coordinated investment of our institutions in this area provides benefits to households, in addition to promoting a healthier financial ecosystem.

In addition, the Governor said that financial education plays an important role in the life of a young person, providing them with essential knowledge and skills that help them manage their money effectively, as well as developing a sense of responsibility and accountability regarding finances. Sejko emphasized the fact that financial literacy provides young people with the foundation to build a secure financial future.

Minister Muzhaqi highlighted that “Financial education for children and young people is more than simple knowledge on budget and savings. It represents a fundamental to build on their future in an ever-increasing digital world”.

The activity continued with discussions on key topics such as the role of the Bank of Albania and financial education, managing savings and expenses, building a positive relationship with money, careers in the field of finance, etc.

At the end of the two-day activity, a certification ceremony was held, during which participating high school students received certificates for completing the seminars.