Former Minister of Health Arrested, New Details Revealed has learned that the Former Minister of Health, Ilir Beqaj was arrested this early Thursday.

Police arrested him at 07:00 am at his house following a decision of the Special Court against Corruption. 

He was arrested on suspicious for abuse with the funds of the State Agency for Strategic Programming and Aid Coordination, SASPAC, during the time he was in charge of this institution. 

Beqaj assumed the post of head of the Agency in November 2022 and resigned in November last year, when the Special Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office launched investigations against him for the sterilization concession. Arrest warrants have been issued for nine other people, while the official announcement is awaited.

Meanwhile, on the sterilisation case, other 8 people were taken as defendants. Among them former vice minister of health Klodian Rrjepaj and the man that benefited from the concession, Ilir Rrapaj.