Former Minister of Health, Ilir Beqaj, Arrested

Former Health Minister, Ilir Beqaj has been arrested.

The news was made public by the Special Prosecution against Corruption (SPAK) this Thursday due to the abuses with the funds of the State Agency of Strategic Program and Aid Coordination, SASPAC, during the time when he was in charge of this institution. 

Regarding this file, a few months ago, several controls were made by SPAK.

Beqaj was arrested along with his two collaborators Ermal Kurtulaj and Alfred Nikolla.

Further details are expected to be public by SPAK during the day. 

Dalin në dritë detaje të tjera në lidhje me arrestimin e ish-ministrit të Shëndetësisë, Ilir Beqaj.

Bëhet fjalë për abuzimet me fondet e BE-së.

Sipas burimeve, abuzimet janë kryer në kohën kur Beqaj drejtonte SASPAC (Agjencinë Shtetërore të Programimit Strategjik dhe Koordinimit të Ndihmës).

Dy të arrestuarit e tjerë janë Ermal Kurtulaj dhe Alfred Nikolla.