French, German Ambassadors Abandon Meeting on Fiscal Amnesty

The ambassador of France, Elizabeth Barsacq, and that of Germany, Peter Zingraff, were present at the meeting organized by the government for the fiscal amnesty and right before Prime Minister Edi Rama took the floor, they abandoned the meeting. 

Barsacq and Zingraf were seated in the first row of guests at the meeting and they listened to the Minister of Finance, Delina Ibrahimi, Deputy Prime Minister Arben Ahmetaj and an expert from Great Britain, who explained the specifics of the law and the benefits of the government initiative. 

But the moment Rama took the floor, the French ambassador made a sign to the German diplomat as if to show him that it was time to leave the chair, and at that moment they both left the hall together.

In his speech, Rama asked for respect from internationals, who cannot treat Albania as an enemy country. 

"I want to tell my friends and European partners that mutual respect is that with respect you can reject any idea, but to treat Albania as a country of enemies, while amnesty has been granted in all the countries that teach us, this is not right, considering the unconditional respect that Albania has towards its partners" said the Prime Minister in his speech.