Higher Transmission Fee, Producers Ask for Explanations
The Albanian Renewable Energy Association requests additional explanations on the application made by the Transmission System Operator (OST) to increase the transmission fee. The requested increase is 45%, going to 1.22 lek/kWh from 0.85 lek/kWh, while, through a letter filed with the Energy Regulatory Entity, the association representing energy producers considers it unclear the request for the application of this fee to all network users.
"It is not clear whether this would also include energy producers. For this reason, we ask you to clarify what he meant by network users, while the transmission tariffs exclude export, access to the network of produced energy," the letter states, among other things.
The association considers the request for an increase as unsubstantiated, as it is not supported by the financial statements, while no analysis is given on the impact this change would have on other actors who are participants of the energy market, suppliers, and, more recently, consumers. Also, concerns are raised about the balancing market. "We noticed that although the OST has secured significant revenues from the balancing market (revenues that should have been distributed according to the rules) we still suffer from a lack of transparency of data for the balancing market. The participants do not have enough information about the price of imbalances, quantities, and prices of auctions, which makes it impossible to design models to calculate the prices of imbalances for the following days or within the day," the letter states.
Earlier, the requested changes were also opposed by the Albanian Association of Electricity Suppliers. In the application submitted to ERE, OST requests the application of the fee of 0.95 lek/kWh for "network users", which according to the association requires the charging of energy trading activity, which includes import, export, transit, and trade of energy electricity in the internal network.