Hundred Mysteriously Poisoned in Bulqiza

At least 100 people were poisoned by an unidentified substance in Bulqiza according to local authorities.

The mass poisoning started on Saturday and people with poisoning symptoms continued to appear at hospital even Monday.

So far it was thought that the people were poisoned by water, but today the Epidemiology and Environmental Health Service says that the drinking water in Bulqiza was found to be free of bacterial contamination and is suitable for use, based on preliminary analyses.

"In cooperation with ISSH Dibër, Bulqiza water supply, we took 7 samples for bacteriological analysis and their results will be published tomorrow. On Friday, we sent 4 samples for analysis to the bacteriological laboratory of Burrel, since we had our laboratory with a regular permit, and in their response we were told that the four samples had no bacteriological contamination" says statement.

Authorities did not speculate on a cause, but local news outlets said some people believe they were exposed to contaminated water or food.