Ivanka Trump Visited Albania, Accompanied by Nasser al-Khelaifi

Tourism expert Auron Tare has revealed that the daughter of former US President Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump visited Albania this summer. 

In the show "Opinion", Tare said that Ivanka Trump was in Albania in July on a private visit, where she stayed for 6 days. 

Ivanka Trump was accompanied by Jared Kushner along with several other personalities among whom was Naser Al Khalif, the president of PSG. Tare says that Ivanka Trump crossed the entire Albanian coastline by yacht, while in Përmet she visited the church of Leusa. 


Auron Tare: They stayed 5-6 days. They came through a friend of mine and stayed on the yacht and not the hotel. They liked it of course, Albania is interesting. Before fleeing to Corfu, they came to Butrint and places like Butrint are extraordinary places to give another message to these people. 

Blendi Fevziu: In fact, they landed in Tirana or not and made the whole Albanian coast by yacht. 

Auron Tare: Yes from Cape Rodon, to Sazan, Porto Palermo and below. 

Blendi Fevziu: What did they visit inside the territory? 

Auron Tare: I took them all to Qeparo for the work of George Tenet who has a house and for the village, but also to tell him that he is Albanian and not Greek as they said. 

Blendi Fevziu: Did anyone recognize them? 

Auron Tare: Not at all. They visited Sazani, Porto Palermo, Qeparo and finally Butrint. We flew by helicopter to Leusa in Përmet, part of the mountain was burning there. We flew close to the border with Greece and returned.