Japanese Ambassador Kikuko Kato

Japan’s Growing Presence

On the eve of the kick off of the Japanese Cultural Week in Albania Albanian Daily News had an interview with Ambassador Kikuko Kato. Madam Ambassador revealed the main targets of the event as well as the various activities to be held in Tirana and other cities. She spoke among others about the current internal situation in Japan, both political and economic.” The Basic Policy consists of 4 pillars: Protecting Japan, Protecting the people, Protecting local communities and Protecting opportunities for young people and women.”

According to Ms. Kato, Japan and Albania are geographically distant, more than 9500 km away in terms of straight-line distance.

“Our culture and language are totally different. But various projects and cooperation activities between the two countries connect us beyond the given differences. At the same time, I recognize new potentials for further enhancement of our bilateral relations,” said the Ambassador, who looked forward to welcoming Albanian friends in each program as many as possible. Below is the interview:  

Albanian Daily News: Your Excellency, welcome to Albanian Daily News for this interview and we would like to start with a few words from you about the political, economic and social situation in Japan at a time when an overall crisis has hit globally the world aggravated by the ongoing/rising conflicts in many parts of our planet?

Ambassador Kikuko KATO: Mr. Mlloja, it is my great pleasure to receive this opportunity of ADN interview.

In recent years, the world has been standing at a historical turning point. Japan has been also facing “turning points between eras”. On October 1, the new administration under Prime Minister ISHIBA Shigeru started. The Basic Policy of ISHIBA administration was decided by the Cabinet meeting on the same day. As a reply to your question about the current situation in Japan, I would like to touch upon briefly about the said Basic Policy.

The Basic Policy consists of 4 pillars: Protecting Japan, Protecting the people, Protecting local communities and Protecting opportunities for young people and women. 

Under the pillar of Protecting Japan, enhancing efforts both in diplomacy and defense to protect Japan from the rapidly changing security environment are mentioned. It is also referred to that under the vision of a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific”, Japan will lead efforts to establish international norms based on the rule of law, further ensuring safety and stability in the region. Under this pillar, measures such as childcare support, overcoming deflation in our economic and fiscal management, realizing a “growth-oriented economy driven by wage increase and investment”, achieving a robustly expanding and resilient economy and fiscal system that can withstand crises are also mentioned.

Under the pillar of Protecting the people, it is mentioned that the administration will aim at creation of a virtuous cycle of wage hikes and alleviation of labor shortages. Accelerating efforts in disaster prevention, mitigation, and enhancing national resilience is also included.

Under the pillars of Protecting local communities and Protecting opportunities for young people and women, I think, wording of the aforementioned two pillars explain by themselves, but the necessary measures are to be taken.

-Taking into consideration your work and expertise in Albania how do you assess the bilateral relations between this country and Japan and which is their perspective according to your ambitions, as well?

-In the last 10 months since my arrival in Albania last December, I have had opportunities to meet quite a number of leading personalities from the Albanian government including President Begaj and Prime Minister Rama, and those from the Parliament, as well as representatives of international and regional organizations based in Albania. Also, through the handover ceremonies of our grant and, donations from our government or JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) or, civilian organizations in Japan, as well as attending Japanese cultural events, I have had the privilege of having opportunities to visit many places, not only within Tirana Municipality, but also in many local municipalities in Albania, interacting with Mayors and other local officials and personalities. Through these opportunities I realized that our cooperation projects with Albania are highly valued and accepted very positively. With this I am very much pleased.

Japan and Albania are geographically distant, more than 9500 km away in terms of straight-line distance. Our culture and language are totally different. But various projects and cooperation activities between the two countries connect us beyond the given differences. At the same time, I recognize new potentials for further enhancement of our bilateral relations.

Since its establishment of our Embassy in Albania in 2017 and the launching of the “Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative” in 2018, the relations between our two countries have developed in a visible way. Japan’s cooperation projects with Albania are steadily expanded. Since Prime Minister Rama’s visit to Japan in February 2023, the people to people exchange at higher lever became very active. In 2023, the delegation of the Japanese Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Albania and then the delegation of the Albania-Japan Parliamentary Friendship Association visited Japan.

From the Japanese side, at the end of June and at the beginning of July this year, Parliamentary Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. FUKAZAWA and then a delegation from the House of Representative of the Diet of Japan (Foreign Affairs Committee) visited Albania. They had very productive meetings with Prime Minister Rama, Europe and Foreign Minister Hasani, Chairperson Kodheli of the Foreign Affairs Commission in the Albanian Parliament. It was for the first time to receive a visit at the level of Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs from Japan in the last 7 years. The visit of the delegation from the Foreign Affairs Committee in the House of Representatives of the Diet of Japan was the very first one. Most of the Parliamentarians from Japan in this year visited Albania for the first time. They experienced Albania today by themselves and observed how Albania has been developing itself and working hard towards EU accession, which they received very positively.

Having witnessed this, I felt it strongly again that I continue to make efforts to deepen understanding of Albania among the Japanese people and advance our concrete cooperation in each area such as political, economic, and cultural ones. Evidence of the Japanese presence in Albania is prominent by its cooperation and funding of Albanian partners in different fields mainly through JICA. It has become more vivid by the cultural events which introduce the daily life of Japanese people their rich cultural heritage as a special place in Asia.

-In this framework the Japanese Cultural Week will be held on the first days of October with many events including even its cuisine. Madame Ambassador could you please share with ADN readers some details of the annual event?

-We are pleased that the Japanese Cultural Week will take place from October 9th to October 15th, as part of the "International Cultural Weeks" organized by the Albanian Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation. This marks Japan's third participation in the event, which has drawn many attendees each year.

With the development of ICT, we can experience virtually the culture from all over the world without travelling to foreign destinations. The World became indeed much closer to us. But there are many aspects of foreign culture that we can understand it correctly when we experience it in a real term. In this regard, our Albanian friends can experience some part of the Japanese culture by their own during the forthcoming Japanese Cultural Week. In this regard, the significance of the International Cultural Week is relevant. We are very grateful for the Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation and the Albanian government who organize the International Cultural Weeks every year.

This year as well, we are excited to offer a diverse range of activities that showcase Japanese culture. Let me introduce briefly about our program.

First of all, during almost the whole week, we will have a Japanese Film Festival in Kinema “Maks Velo”. We will show a selection of Japanese animation films directed by internationally famous directors. Japanese animation films are also very popular in Albania in particular among the younger generations. Every evening, we will show a different film.

Japanese food “Washoku” workshop will be held on Oct. 9 in ‘Instituti Kulinar Neranxi’. Chef in my residence will demonstrate how to prepare popular and simple, but delicious Japanese cuisines like sushi roll, “Okonoiyaki”, “Dorayaki” and “Matcha tiramisu” by using the ingredients which are easily available in Albania. Some participants will also cook together with Chef.

As one of the highlights of this year’s cultural week is Tea Ceremony Demonstration on Oct. 12 in the atrium of the Faculty of Physical & Math Engineering of UPT (Polytechnic University of Tirana).  Seven tea ceremony masters are coming from Japan exclusively to this event and demonstrate the tea ceremony. Participants will observe how to prepare a bowl of tea and drink the tea with Japanese traditional sweets. After the ceremony, participants can also try to prepare a bowl of tea with the instructions by the tea ceremony masters. There will be two sessions, for each session 40 seats are available.

Another highlight will be the Cultural Symposium “Discovering the Real Japan through Albanians” to be held on October 15 at UPT main campus auditorium. Panelists who are ex-Japanese Government scholarship (or exchange program) students from Albania will explain about their experiences in Japan and discuss what are mutual understanding of different culture and people.

There will be also Origami Workshop on Oct. 13 in Qendra Kombëtare e Kulturës për Fëmijë (Children’s National Culture Center). Origami is Japanese traditional paper holding art. The participants learn how we can create many figures just by holding a piece of paper.

I would like to also mention that there will be Judo and Karate Ambassador Cup which is also a part of the Japanese Cultural Week, but to be held on Nov. 3 in the Tirana Olympic Park.

More details of each program can be acquired through MECI’s website as well as our Embassy’s SNS.

I am looking forward to welcoming Albanian friends in each program as many as possible.

-Please let me touch about the international situation which is explosive with the wars going on in Ukraine because of the Russian aggression and in the Middle East between Israel and Palestinians. So, all the world is in turmoil including Western Balkans. Please how do you assess the situation in the region aggravated by the escalation of the conflict between Kosovo and Serbia as the latter has lately threatened it could use force in North Kosovo as implied by a 7-point platform declared by Serb President a few days ago?

-It is needless to say that the international community should continue to promote international cooperation in order to address unprecedented crises and challenges and to overcome divisions and confrontations.  Japan has been stressing that “rule of law” and “human dignity” are key to international cooperation.

With the firm belief that through supporting reconciliation and socio-economic reforms and developing the economy in the Western Balkans which once suffered from divisions, one can contribute to peace and stability in the region, Japan has been promoting the “Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative” since its launching in 2018. As a strategic partner of EU, Japan supports EU accession of the Western Balkans countries including Albania. The “Western Balkans Cooperation Initiative” has two pillars such as supporting socio-economic reforms towards EU accession of the Western Balkans countries as well as corporation within the region.

In light of the rising tensions in North Kosovo, we support the resolution of issues through the EU-mediated Belgrade-Pristina Dialogue. Japan considers it important that sincere fulfillment of obligations by all parties under the dialogue. We hope that the efforts of all those who are involved are made by all parties in the issue for the progress of the dialogue.