Kosovo Celebrates 15th Anniversary of Idependence

Kosovo celebrates the 15th anniversary of the declaration of Independence this Friday. On February 17, 2008, the Assembly of Kosovo unanimously declared Kosovo an independent sovereign and democratic state. 

Declaration of Kosovo's independence was the crowning of a long and difficult journey for this country's citizens. 

For years, Kosovo Albanians suffered the consequences of ethnic cleansing by the Serbian regime of Slobodan Milosevic, which resulted in a Liberation War ('97-'99). 

After the end of the Liberation War, international peacekeeping troops were deployed in Kosovo. 

In Pristina, but not only, a series of meetings and activities will be held in honor of the 15th anniversary of Independence. 

The agenda will start with the celebratory meeting of the Government of Kosovo, which will be held from 8 o'clock in the morning, and then honors will be paid at the Monument of the Missing. 

While at 08:20 there will be the solemn raising of the Kosovo Flag and at 08:30 honors will be paid at the Monument of the Missing. We remind you that the president of Albania, Bajram Begaj, is in Kosovo for a two-day visit, within the framework of independence. 

State agenda for celebrating Independence Day: 

08:00 Festive meeting of the Government of the Republic of Kosovo 
08:20 – Solemn raising of the Flag of the Republic of Kosovo 
08:30 - Honors at the Monument of the Missing 
08:45 - Homage to the grave of former President Dr. Ibrahim Rugova 
08:50 - Homage to the grave of the activity Adem Demaçi 
09:50 - Homage at the "Adem Jashari" Memorial Complex (Prekaz) 

10:30 – Interpretation of the Kosovo Philharmonic (Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo) 
11:00 – Solemn Session of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo 
11:20 - Honors at the Monument of Policemen who fell in the line of duty 
11:30 - Honors at the "Heroines" Monument 
12:00 – Parade of the Troops of the Kosovo Security Force and the Kosovo Police (Pristina) 
16:15 – Lighting of 1133 candles in front of the National Theater in memory of the children killed during the war 
17:00 – State reception by the President of the Republic of Kosovo 
20:15 – Concert of Independence from RTK (Hall 1 October) 

09:15-21:45 Agenda of the Municipality of Pristina 
09:15 Tribute to the grave of President Ibrahim Rugova, Tribute to the Martyrs' Cemetery 
10:00 a.m. Solemn session of the Capital Assembly. (Capital Assembly) 
10:40 End of the session, Guest of honor: Mr. Hazir Reka 
11:00 Solemn session of the Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo. President Rama (Assembly of the Republic of Kosovo) will participate 
12:00 Parade of the Kosovo Security Forces and the Kosovo Police. Mayor Rama participates ("Zahir Pajaziti" square (Government organization) 
16:00 Prishtina Jazz Orchestra – Concert for Kosovo's Independence Day. (Palace of Youth – "Red Hall") 
20:00 RTK Gala Concert "Rrno per me tregue". Mayor Rama participates. (Hall "October 1") 
21:45 Morcheeba concert. (Palace of Youth – "Sports hall") 
10:00 Draft and parade horse competitions are held. Hundreds of participants from Kosovo, Albania, North Macedonia and beyond take part. (Prelez village of Muhaxher, Ferizaj) 
13:00 The Municipality of Vushtrri organizes a Solemn Academy for Independence Day. (Cultural Center "Hasan Prishtina") 

14:30 The Social Democratic Initiative organizes the festive gathering "Celebrate with You!". (Skenderbeu Square, Pristina)