Kosovo's Ambitions for 2025

In an exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News the Ambassador of Kosovo, Skender Durmishi unfolded many topics regarding achievements and non-achievements and the perspective for 2025.

He dwelled on Kosovo's performance in many fields seeing new achievements in 2025. Another highlight was a balance sheet of the relationship of Kosovo with Albania which Mr. Durmishi described as in "further progress".

The Ambassador answered questions on the dialogue between Kosovo and Serbia, the situation in the Western Balkans.

Pristina' top diplomat to Tirana touched upon the non-recognition of Kosovo by five EU member countries considering it as unjust. "The International Court of Justice clearly confirms the legitimacy of the independence of the state of Kosovo," said the Kosovo Ambassador, Skender Durmishi in the following interview:

Albanian Daily News: At the outset of this exclusive interview with Albanian Daily News thank you, Mr. Ambassador, for sharing some opinions, especially when 2025 has started. How would you assess 2024 regarding the relations between Albania and Kosovo?

Kosovo Ambassador Skender Durmishi: First of all, allow me to sincerely thank you for the care you show about the developments in Kosovo and for the space you offer to the Embassy of Kosovo in your newspaper. Regarding your question, starting from the most basic one, from the work I am here for, i.e. the realization of my ambassador's mission, I can say that I am satisfied. I was a direct contributor or witness to active interstate communications, bilateral meetings of ministers and officials at all levels. For me, it was particularly important to coordinate, assist and accompany the delegations of the most leaders and high officials from Kosovo who have officially visited Tirana to participate in different forums or even in bilateral meetings. Also, the leaders and delegations from Albania that visited Kosovo were accompanied by me. New agreements have been signed that form the legal basis for more cooperation in all areas. I participated in the inauguration ceremonies of two border crossings. Customs concessions have been made for manufacturers and traders and harmonization of textbooks for the diaspora have continued.

Communications have been frequent, as well as the visits of the citizens of Kosovo, for work or tourism, activities of sportsmen, artists and singers, etc. This is not news anymore, it is not a surprise. Communications have become normal, frequent, regular, daily. You can visit Tirana and return to Pristina in the evening on the same day. Let's not talk about the very large number of citizens of Kosovo during the summer season, who come to the riviera of the coast of Albania. In fact, there are many arrivals even during the other seasons for the weekend. From my perspective and perception, 2024 was a dynamic year in terms of cooperation. This was my third year at the head of the Embassy of Kosovo in Tirana, which has brought me even closer regarding cooperation in addition to the citizens and institutions of Albania, also with the accredited ambassadors in Tirana and I have friendly relations with most of them.

During the last year, Tirana was also the host of important international events, which are a good chance for every ambassador, that is, for me too, to follow these developments closely as things can be understood better.

- At this juncture of time, please could you say a few words about Kosovo's achievements and non- achievements during the last tense year?

-The year 2024 was for Kosovo a year of continuity, a year of moving towards immediate and long-term goals and objectives. More or less, positive results have been recorded in all the set parameters and objectives. 2024 marked further consolidation of economic parameters (economic growth, budget with growth, average and minimum income, social assistance, etc.) and democratic performance and the rule of law. There have also been assessments from the international community regarding the level of implementation in practice of rights, freedoms and all democratic standards, such as freedom of the media, tolerance, independent judiciary. If in economy and development we talk about modest and solid results, in terms of democratic performance Kosovo is the champion in the region. The establishment of law and order in the northern part of Kosovo, which for a long time was the cradle of smuggling, informal economy and crime, should be evaluated as a success. Kosovo has shown partnership with all countries and every initiative that is essentially the preservation of peace and stability at the regional and global levels in the face of geopolitical challenges and threats that do not leave anyone indifferent.

Kosovo has been consistent on the course of Euro-Atlantic integration. It has fully adhered to the EU's foreign policy of solidarity with the people and institutions of Ukraine and for any other situation. It started the year 2024 with the liberalization of visas, and after a year we can say that it was proved that we deserved it.

-Does Kosovo have unmet goals? We have often heard the remark about lack of recognitions. What can you tell us about this?

- In our priorities, efforts were made for new recognitions and membership in international organizations. Kosovo continued in every way to deepen cooperation with countries that already recognize it and in international organizations where the country is a member. The leaders of Kosovo, President Osmani, Prime Minister Kurti, Foreign Minister Gervalla and other senior officials participated throughout the year in conferences, forums and summits important for Kosovo, the region and beyond, demonstrating this strategic policy course outside of Kosovo. Regarding CoE it did not receive the final vote of the Committee of Ministers, even though it was previously given consent and recommendation for membership by the Professional Commission of Ms. Bakojanis in the CoE Parliamentary Assembly. This was a fair assessment of the situation in Kosovo and of its commitment to the values ??and standards that characterize the Council of Europe, such as democracy, human rights, and the rule of law.

Kosovo directly implements the conventions of the Council of Europe. Thus, it is member of several mechanisms of the Council of Europe, such as the Venice Commission. De facto Kosovo is a member of this oldest organization in Europe, and we are hopeful that even the dilemmas of a political nature in the next vote will not become an obstacle to enable Kosovo's membership with full rights in the Council of Europe.

The success of the past year is also the rapprochement with NATO through the advancement of Kosovo's status in the Parliamentary Assembly, from an observer to an associated member. In the meantime, we have joined several international organizations. Even during the year 2024, the athletes of Kosovo participated in many events successfully. Kosovo was entrusted with the organization of the 2030 Mediterranean Games. Preparations for this sports event have already begun. We are proud of these steps, and we do not consider them small steps, although they are not what we aim for and deserve. We believe that they will have an impact on those countries that do not recognize Kosovo, so that they are not delayed in recognizing the state of Kosovo.

Kosovo entered the new year with more ambitious objectives and I like to close this answer by saying that when you are on the right course and on the right road, speed is less important.

- Regarding the process of recognition, I would like to focus on the five EU countries that still do not recognize although as you confirm Kosovo has implemented one hundred percent of the course of EU's foreign policy. Did the last year bring anything new?

- Regarding the arguments you are asking for I can say that they are well-known and very strong. I am starting from the fact that we are a European country thoroughly regarding geography and history. We are not yet, but we feel part of the EU. I do not believe that more arguments should be required than the International Court of Justice, which clearly confirms the legitimacy of the independence of the state of Kosovo. This should have an impact and be taken seriously by the five non-recognizing countries because of the ICJ's primordial competence and international reputation. I believe that the five countries by recognizing the state of Kosovo would show respect to the ICJ, but also to all other EU member states, which have quickly recognized the state of Kosovo and are developing active cooperation with the country. Furthermore, it has already been said that Kosovo is a sui generis case and the claim of any country in the EU or anywhere else that can serve as a precedent is unsustainable. With a quick reading of the political history of Kosovo, especially the Constitution of 1974, the specifics of Kosovo can be clearly seen.

- This summer too, many Kosovo citizens spent their vacations in Albania. How do you feel about this both as Ambassador and ordinary citizen of Kosovo?

-In both capacities I feel very good, due to the fact that this is a good effort for many reasons. Citizens of Kosovo already know and like the coast of Albania. They find there something that they have not found, which is, in addition to rest and physical pleasure, also spiritual pleasure, with many emotional experiences, visiting attractive tourist spots and historical places that Albania has in abundance, which give your holidays a lot of meaning. Maybe this is the occasion to say that in some way the Kosovars are contributors to the construction of the tourist infrastructure of Albania, because they have been coming here regularly since the first days of democracy, the 90s, even when there were no basic conditions for tourists. Sometimes they get nervous with long waits, excessively expensive services and prices, etc., but they still come next summer. Both sides are determined for partnership and cooperation. This summer brought great relief with the construction of the highway segment from Thumana to Kashar, because even two or three hours could be lost due to queues and long waits on this segment in the past years.

- Besides tourism what could you say of the bilateral cooperation in other fields of life as both countries try to speed up their development in the Western Balkans? Which are the ambitions for next year?

- Bilateral cooperation between Albania and Kosovo is in progress, but this process is also on the rise. I can say that we have a solid cooperation. Trade exchanges are increasing, customs cooperation is being realized without any obstacles. Legal and procedural formalities at the border circulation of goods and citizens have been reduced to a minimum. In addition, it should be highlighted the cooperation regarding the Mediterranean Games; we have to realize the part of the competitions in water sports.

Legally, an admirable basis has been created that regulates cooperation in almost all fields:  economy, health, foreign policy, police cooperation, customs cooperation, culture, education and sports. Cooperation is also being developed beyond the government, between private companies, businesses, sports clubs, individuals etc. There is no lack of results of cooperation, but experts and connoisseurs of the economy affirm that there is opportunity and potential for more.

- Wishing you a Happy New Year, Mr. Ambassador how would you and your family describe 2024 as ordinary citizens among ordinary Albanians wherever you went in every situation?

- Thank you for the congratulations. I, too, wish you and the ADN readers a happy New Year. I wish that the year 2025 brings you many good things, good health, but also happiness and joy. Regarding the question, I can say that this year was also full of activities, job satisfaction, new friendships, and places that I had not yet visited. I realized a part of the program that I had left unfulfilled to get to know the mayors, work visits to universities and pleasant meetings with teachers and students.

I stayed in some of the families that sheltered Kosovars during the war. It has been a special experience because, in addition to a work obligation, it is also a good opportunity to get to know these families and their way of life. I noticed with pleasure that these families are continuing contacts and mutual visits. I would also single out a few meetings with the late great writer, Kadare. With great pleasure I participated in many conferences that dealt with important topics from history, culture, etc., where personalities and researchers from Kosovo and Albania were together. But it's significant that the festivities of the Flag Day got us together in Vlora and Tirana. I look forward to closer fruitful relationship between Kosovo and Albania in all fields!