Tributes Paid to Ex-President Nishani before Funeral

State ceremony for the last honors for the former President Bujar Nishani is being held this Thursday in the Presidency, where the first to pay homage was the Head of State, Ilir Meta, accompanied by his daughter, Bora Meta. 

Tributes to the former head of state, who passed away two days ago, started at 10:00 and will end at 12:00. 

Meanwhile, the coffin with the body of the former president has been placed in the "Skanderbeg" hall of the Presidency, where family members are waiting for condolences. 

After 12.00, the coffin with the body of President Nishani, accompanied by the funeral procession goes on foot to the Lana Bridge, then leaves for the Sharra cemetery where the funeral ceremony will take place. 

Farewell speeches are also expected at the funeral ceremony, while today is a day of national mourning. 

Nevertheless, the former president passed away on Saturday after being hospitalized for a month in a hospital in Berlin. 

After being initially hospitalized at the Shefqet Ndroqi Hospital in Tirana due to post-Covid complications, the former president was sent for more specialized treatment, but his health deteriorated because of severe lung insufficiency. 

In his political career, Bujar Nishani was known for his caring language and prudence, and was one of the most important figures of the Democratic Party. 

He has held several important positions as deputy, minister and chairman of the National Council in the blue headquarters. In 2012, Nishani was elected president, and most recently he was a member of the Re-establishment Commission.