March 6, Berisha Attacks DP Chair’s Candidate for Rrogozhina
Former Prime Minister Sali Berisha has gone this Saturday in Rrogozhina, where he introduced the candidate of "House of Freedom", Hekuran Xhani for mayor in the local by-elections that will be held on March 6.
During his speech, Berisha attacked the Democratic Party (DP) candidate, Ferdinand Saraçi, describing him as a copy of Lulzim Basha.
Saraçi was afraid of the free primary vote and Basha has taken the PD logo hostage, as far as Berisha is concerned.
"On March 6, we will say enough to Edi Rama! In front of Hekuran Xhani, the citizen of these areas, the dedicated servant of the citizens, the honest democrat, the man who has sacrificed years, sweat in the service of the farmers of this area, the democrat of the first hours, unwavering, except for Edison of Edi Rama, comes out now even Ferdinand of Lul locks. I will say two words to Ferdinand, you were the chairman of the Democrats of Rrogozhina, but with your act and gesture you showed that you never deserved their vote.
If you, Ferdinand, were to be a true democrat, a man of the ideals of freedom, if you had ambitions for a proud mayor, you would turn to the membership, accept the primaries, the free vote. So accept what five Democrats in this area accepted and who in the end came out more united than the day they entered the race. They joined the free vote. None of them were afraid to vote. Let me ask the Democrats here; is freedom vital to us? Is there real freedom without a free vote, what is the free vote of Edvin Rama, is the ban on the SP vote from 2019. A vote for Rama means a patronage system, use of public funds, engagement of gangs.
But what is the free vote for Lulzim brava, I must also say his appendix Saraçi, their vote is 1958 votes are 5004 votes. Shame the black page in history. Is not this an insult? Is not this a grave insult to the hundreds of thousands of supporters who voted for the DP? Is not this a serious insult to every Albanian. Ferdinand is a perfect copy of Lulzim Brava. What's happening? Lulzim brava, knowing that he is black, does not go to present his candidates, he does not go out on his own, so that the citizens do not remember that they are his candidates, but they have the logo that he kidnapped with Edi Rama's police. Therefore, I call on your wisdom, do not make the mistake of voting for Saraçi because he shakes the logo taken violently by Edi Rama. The logo of victory is the "’House of Freedom’", declared Berisha.