OECD Report, President Worried about Terrible Records of Albania

President of the Republic, Ilir Meta considered a terrible record for Albania the report published by the OECD, where Albania ranks 4th in the world for the emigration of people with high skills at work and 8th in the world for the rate of departure of intellectuals. 

The head of state emphasizes that the referendum of April 25, 2021, is crucial for the future of Albania, not only for 4 years but for the coming decades. 

"Another terrible record! According to the 2020 report of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Albania ranks 4th in the world for the emigration of people with high skills at work and 8th in the world for the rate of departure of intellectuals. 

The departure of the 'main part' of society is another painful indicator that Albania is being abandoned even by those citizens, who have a good standard of living, receive a satisfactory payment and have a property, but for whom the level of public services is unacceptable, feel silent, unrepresented, powerless to change the situation in the country and hopeless for the future of their children.

The referendum of April 25, 2021 is crucial for the future of Albania, not only for 4 years but for the coming decades. It is an opportunity to restore quality standards of services, respect and human dignity, to make Albania a livable country for all, with new opportunities and hopes, especially for youth. 

With hope and faith, let us unite and take our destinies to change this reality, which is destroying families and aging Albania, to build here a secure and European future for all," President noted.