Llogara Tunnel

Partial Opening of Llogora Tunnel on Friday

The final works are being carried out at the Llogora tunnel. On Friday morning, this important infrastructural work will be partially opened for traffic.

With a length of 5.9 kilometers, the Llogora tunnel significantly shortens the travel time to the south coast, simultaneously increasing road safety parameters.

The Deputy Prime Minister, at the same time Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku closely followed the last preparations that were being made before the opening for the traffic of the tunnel, together with the director of the Albanian Road Authority, Gentian Gjyli and the Mayor of Vlora, Ermal Dredha.

The Deputy Prime Minister said that the construction of this work is another kept promise which is being opened for the movement of vehicles before the scheduled deadline, adding that all measures have been taken regarding the good management of this work.

The Director of ARRSH announced that in cooperation with the Traffic Police, a traffic management plan has been prepared for the following months when the tunnel will be in operation.

For his part, mayor Dredha said that the Llogora tunnel connects Vlora with the rest of the southern coast in a much faster time and with high security.