PM Rama Praises Good Relations Albania-Italy

The successful tourist season in Albania has been in the center of attention of the Italian media. 

Prime Minister Edi Rama gave another interview to the Italian media, where he spoke about this issue, about the relations between the two countries as well as about the journey towards the European Union. 

Rama says that our country has finally managed to free itself from the stigma of the 90s, where Albania was seen as an unsafe country with criminals, while adding that the growing numbers of foreign visitors are the result of government policies and "a job done with a lot of passion". 

Prime Minister Rama also comments on the post of a few days ago that caused discussions in both countries, a meme with basically two events: the Vlora ship with migrants landing in Bari in 1991 and the Italians who are now 'flowing' to our country for summer holidays. 

Rama also dwells on the relations between the two countries while describing Georgia Meloni as the new "sister" of Albania. Regarding the issue of immigrants in the Middle East, Rama says that it is an old problem that reflects a "Europe that does not always manage to look straight, and turns to the other side when there are hot issues."

The full interview of Prime Minister Rama: 

Prime Minister Edi Rama interview for the show "L'aria che Tira" on LA7 

Question: Your country is experiencing a golden season in terms of tourism, with a 33% increase in visitors. What is the secret of your success and how did you manage to offer your country this attractive image? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: It is not a secret, it is a work done with a lot of passion, with a lot of patience in recent years, that I think we have managed to free ourselves from the stigma attached to us in the 1990s, when we were seen as a country that did not above all, dare to go, because it was "an unsafe place", "a place full of criminals", "with poor people". While, to give you a figure that you probably don't know, Albania is the last country in Europe for residential burglaries, just to give you the idea of safety, then for the Italians, Albania is their home, as we feel Italians and we feel connected to Italy. 

Question: Many Italians are choosing Albania to spend their holidays as the country guarantees wonderful beaches and the dream land and competitive prices, the model is that of a low-cost tourism? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: Low-cost is first, since in Albania the prices will increase because it is natural. We are very aware that this mass tourism automatically brings the "work of ambassadors" of the country, who speak well and help us to strengthen this new image, but it also has great risks. We are working on resorts that are luxurious, but it will take years. So today is not an election, it is a journey, and this journey includes low prices. 

Question: A post that has sparked many discussions where you contrast two events, the Vlora ship with migrants landing in Bari in 1991 and on the other hand the Italians visiting your country. How much has Albania changed since 1991? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: Above all, I want to say that you are the country of many wonderful things. Now instead of taking it with a little humor, you are taking everything seriously and making controversy about everything. Actually it was a meme, and I fell into the trap, after it was sent to me and I thought that it was really Corriere della Sera who had made this meme about this situation. Then with my young people of social networks we said let's post it to make a joke, after that there was controversy both in Albania and Italy. In Italy the Italians said I was ironic, in Albania they said I was ironic the Albanians. This is a happy moment in our history, so let's laugh at the joke. 

Question: I also laughed because for many years, Italy has been a kind of Eldorado for the Albanian people, but now you seem more hesitant (towards Italy). 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: No, you say this because you need controversy. We always see you as the country where we belong for one reason or another, historical, cultural, and even from the almost genetic similarity, we feel almost Italian. In Italy we feel at home, we love Italy, we love Italians, and we don't like to see you frowning but smiling. And Italy is beautiful, you are blessed by god if you are Italian and live in that wonderful country. 

Question: You are a socialist prime minister, how do you see it, emphasizing that there is a long friendship between Albania and Italy, the Italy led by Giorgia Meloni? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: Italy is Italy, whether it is Giorgia Meloni's, or Romano Prodi's, Silvio Berlusconi's, Mario Draghi's, it always remains Italy, with its problems that everyone tries to solve and make better their good. I am a socialist, but besides being a socialist, I am an old brother of Italy, and so I feel very close to Georgia and it seems to me that she is a new sister of Albania. We understand each other very well, it doesn't matter if you are a socialist or a democrat or of any other tendency, the elections that the country needs must be made without falling into the trap of ideologies, because that way you can't go anywhere. 

Question: Albania has long been waiting to be heard in the European Commission to be a member, why is it engaging so much and do you think that Europe is more interested in opening preferential channels for Ukraine? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: We were born with this dream, and for the first time in our history of hundreds of years, we have been given the opportunity to choose. Until yesterday, it was others who chose for us, empires, regimes, dictatorships and so on. For the first time it has come to us to choose and our choice is very clear. We want to be part of Europe, it is our dream and we are the most Euro-optimistic country on the continent. Today, maybe we are like lovers who want to get married at all costs, maybe later things can become more complex. But at the moment we want to be part of Europe, and Italy is our most essential ally. And when Giorgia appears and speaks on the international stage, she looks taller than me. We will continue with our alliance, we will continue with this friendship, Italy is there for us and we feel blessed to be close to you. 

Question: Prime Minister Rama is a former basketball player, so when he refers to Giorgia Meloni as the tallest, he is paying a great compliment. 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: It is true, she is so respected and it seems to me that it is the biggest surprise for the Euro-Atlantic club that clearly did not expect it, and now it is in front of this woman who has a charisma, which is incredible. 

Question: Regarding the issue of migrants in the Mediterranean where people are still dying, I want to ask you as the prime minister of a country that has had a long history of migration, in your opinion, should Europe work to guarantee an operation to save all lives crossing the sea? 

Prime Minister Edi Rama: This is an old, clear problem, unfortunately it reflects a Europe that does not always manage to look straight, and turns to the other side when there are hot issues like these, and what does it do in this case? I leave everything to Italy! The fact that Italy is the first landlocked country cannot be cursed for a whole country and if Europe is united, if Europe is common, this is a problem for Europe and not a problem just for Italy. You know this, you've been saying it for years, but it's not easy, because Europe is often the lady to give lectures and moralize, when there's no need to put on a face. And when Italy puts its face, some turn the other way and come back just to make morale. 

Journalist: From the friendship you have confirmed with the Italian people and our country, I feel like telling you that you deserve all this tourism boom. Thanks and good luck!