Police Blocks Main Roads as Opposition Called Protest against the Ban of TikTok

The Democratic Party called a massive protest this Saturday at 19:00 pm, against the ban that government did to the TikTok social media.

Tirana Police informed that the protest was called from 19:00 pm to 21:00 pm and it will developed at the 'Deshmoret e Kombit' main Boulevard in front of the Prime Ministry.

Police informed that in order to maintain peace and order in this protest, some road will be closed for the vehicles. Those are:

”Dëshmorët e Kombit” Boulevard, “Nënë Tereza' Square and the roads, “Ismail Qemali”, “Ibrahim Rrugova”,  “Papa Gjon Pali II”, ”Zhan D’Ark”, ”Bajram Curri”, Rrugës së Elbasanit and “Ibrahim Rugova” from 14:00 pm until dhe end of the protest.

Police called all citizens to avoid movement during protest and the road blocked.