Men to Fight for MPs Mandates more than Women in SP; Rama

On the International Woman's Day, the Prime Minister, Edi Rama, said that he will propose as MPs in the secured lists more women than men.

During the meeting with the Parliamentary Group and his cabinet, Rama explained the new rules that is expected to affect women.

Rama made it clear the all men will fight in the field for their mandate, while women will not suffer so much.

"All men of the Socialist Party must fight to deserve their mandates, while we will divide the women into two parts. The women who will be the hosts of this entire process of the next 4 years and who will receive the representation of the SP with the support of all of us in the closed part of the lists and then the girls who will also be part of the open lists", said Rama.

In Tirana the women in the safe list from the Socialist Party are the ministers Ogerta Manastirliu, Lindita Nikolla and Olta Xhaçka, as well as MPs known as Ervin Hoxhaj, Blendi Gonxhe and Erion Braçe. The list also includes other names such as Adea Pirdeni, Albana Koçiu, Igli Hasani, Etilda Gjonaj, Fatmir Xhafaj, Ermonela Felaj, Xhemal Qefalia, Toni Gogu, Ornaldo Rakipi, Pandeli Majko and Helena Kaçe, who are also involved in this electoral race.