President Decrees Appointment of Land, Naval Commanders

President of the Republic, Ilir Meta has decreed Friday appointment of Brigadier General Arben Voke Kingji as Land Force Commander and appointment of Brigadier General Ilir Hasan Xhebexhia as Naval Force Commander.

On Sepember 11, President Meta decreed the attributing of the military rank “Brigadier General” to then-Colonels Arben Kingji and Ilir Xhebexhia.

“Pursuant to Article 93 and Article 169, point 3, of the Constitution, Article 9, point 3, letter ‘c)’, of Law no. 64/2014, ‘On the powers and authorities of direction and command of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Albania’, as amended by proposal of the Minister of Defense no. 4264/1 prot., dated 01.10.2020, I decree:

Brigadier General Arben Voke Kingji, with duty ‘Commander’ of the Support Battalion, at the General Staff of the Armed Forces, is appointed ‘Commander’ of the Land Force.

Brigadier General Ilir Hasan Xhebexhia, with duty "Deputy Military Representative in NATO, Military Attaché of the Republic of Albania in Belgium and non-resident in France", in the Military Representations Abroad, in the Ministry of Defense, is appointed ‘Commander’ of the Naval Force”, as quoted from Head of State decrees.

Furthermore, the decrees of the President of Albania come into force immediately.