Iran's Cyber Attacks, President Gathers Security Council

Albanian President Bajram Begaj is expected to convene the National Security Council this Monday after Iranian cyber attacks. 

The meeting of the Security Council will be attended by Prime Minister Edi Rama, Foreign Minister Olta Xhaçka, Defense Minister Niko Peleshi, Interior Minister Bledi Çuçi, as well as others. 

During the summer, Albania fell prey to Iranian cyber attacks. The official online government websites of our country, the TIMS system and the MEMEX system have been attacked. As a result, Albania has severed diplomatic relations with Iran. 

What is the National Security Council? 

The Law on the Management of the Armed Forces defines that "the National Security Council is an advisory body, which supports the President of the Republic in the exercise of constitutional and legal powers and responsibilities". The Security Council does not make decisions, but assists the President in his constitutional duties. 

Who are the members of the Council? 

The Security Council consists of 14 members and is chaired by the President of the Republic. 

Its other members are the speaker of the Assembly, the prime minister, 7 ministers: of defense, justice, internal affairs, finance, transport, foreign affairs and energy. 

Other members are the Chairman of the National Security Parliamentary Committee, the Director of the State Intelligence Service and the General Director of the Police. 

The law gives the President the right to "invite other participants" to the meetings of the Council, but who do not enjoy the rights of members.