Samir Mane Receives the Acknowledgement Award from the University of Business and Technology
BALFIN Group’s President Samir Mane was a special guest of the University of Business and Technology (UBT) in Pristina, Kosovo, for a conversation with students about his journey from a student to a successful entrepreneur. As an appreciation for his 30-year journey in the world of entrepreneurship, UBT University presented him with the Acknowledgement Award for his contribution to entrepreneurship, economic development, and social responsibility in Albania, Kosovo, and beyond.
When thanking Samir Manen for accepting the invitation, the Rector of the University of Business and Technology, Prof. Dr. Edmond Hajrizi, emphasized the importance of cooperation between the university and businesses. "We greatly appreciate everything that you personally and BALFIN Group have done for economic progress, talent development, as well as in the field of philanthropy. It is a pleasure for us to have you in our auditorium to tell us your model of success, as we welcome a closer cooperation, not only between BALFIN Group and UBT, but also a joint contribution to the cooperation between Albania and Kosovo through excellent young people," he added.
Asked by the students about his early days, Samir Mane shared his journey as an entrepreneur from a young student who abandoned his studies to immigrate to Austria, to today where BALFIN Group, whom he founded, is present in 10 different countries. "Back then, I couldn't study what I wanted, economics and business, but today I do what I always desired to do and still enjoy just as much. I graduated in engineering and mining, but today I am an entrepreneur because that's what I was looking for and that's what I worked for. It is not enough just to be in the right place and at the right time, but a lot of work is also required to achieve what you want," he told the students of UBT.

Regarding the students' interest in his opinion about Artificial Intelligence, Mr. Mane emphasized that "For me, AI will change the world for the better. If we know how to use it properly to our advantage, Artificial Intelligence will enable us to be more efficient in our work".
Samir Mane answered the students' interest in the economic ties between Albania and Kosovo: "Economic relations have lagged behind compared to cultural exchanges. Today, the art market between the two countries is almost completely settled, while there are still artificial barriers to economic exchange. The two countries must build policies that support economic exchange. Only this way we can be considered a market of interest to foreign investors."
"I would advise each of you to start a business,” Mr. Mane told the students. “We can work together to give hope to young people, to work in Albania and Kosovo, and together build the circumstances for the future that we all want."
This is the second meeting of BALFIN Group’s President, Samir Mane, with the students of Pristina. A few months ago, he joined the auditorium of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Pristina, responding to the students’ interest.
BALFIN Group is present in Kosovo with the companies Neptun, Jumbo, and Balfin Real Estate, where, in addition to economic activity, it has a significant contribution to projects with social impact. Through the Mane Foundation, a number of projects have been carried out to date, such as the establishment of a laboratory at the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Prishtina and equipping the surgery ward with monitors at the University Clinic of Pristina. Mane Foundation, together with Neptun and Jumbo Kosova, supported the children in the SOS Village in Pristina, and also carried out the reconstruction of two kindergartens in Fushë Kosovë and in Mitrovica, as well as a public park in Gjilan. 10 families damaged by the rain floods in Peja were also aided.