Several Citizens Detained in Tirana for Various Crime Offenses

Tirana Police has made the balance sheet of the arrested during the last 24 hours, detaining several violators of the law.

Among others, the 52-year-old G. S., sentenced to 6 months in prison by the Tirana Court for theft, has been handcuffed. Also, for the same charge is arrested the 24-year-old A. M.

The administrator of a construction company, the citizen A. K., 51 years old is accused of "violation of rules at work", after 55-year-old P. Gj., From Kavaja, fell from a height while working, and as a result died.

Police Notice:

Specialists for the Investigation of Economic and Financial Crime detained the citizen G.S., 52 years old (apprehended by the Search Section) after the Court of First Instance Tirana, sentenced him to 6 months in prison, for the criminal offense "Theft committed by abuse of office”.

From the specialists for the Investigation of Crime in the Police Commissariat no. 6 the execution of the order for citizen A.M., 24 years old, (caught by the Search Section) took place, after the Court of First Instance Tirana, sentenced him to 6 months in prison, for the criminal offense "Theft" committed in collaboration.

From the specialists for the Investigation of Crime in the Police Commissariat no. 1 in cooperation with the Police Commissariat no. 4, the citizen R. D (S), 49 years old, was arrested and detained, after the Court of Appeals in Tirana sentenced her to 10 months in prison for the criminal offense "Theft" committed in collaboration.

Also, from the specialists for Crime Investigation in the Police Commissariat no. 4 the citizen B. K., 31 years old, was arrested, after during the physical control a cold weapon (knife) was found and seized.

Specialists for Crime Investigation in the Police Commissariat no. 3 made the arrest in flagrante delicto for the criminal offense "Intentionally inflicting grievous bodily harm" of the citizen H.V., 33 years old, after during an instant conflict, for weak motives, he hit with strong objects the citizen ES, 40 years old, who is in hospital, under the care of doctors.

Police forces made the arrest in flagrante delicto for the criminal offense "Violation of the rules of protection at work" of the citizen A.K., 51 years old, (administrator of a firm) after in a building under construction the worker P. Gj., 55 years old fell from it and consequently lost his life.

The traffic police specialists arrested the citizen E.B., 28 years old, after the Court of First Instance Tirana sentenced him to 4 months in prison, for "Irregular driving".

The same was made by the Traffic Specialists in flagrante delicto of the citizens:

D. I., 48, and H. L., 50, after being caught driving their respective vehicles in a drunken state;

E. R., 32, after being caught driving the vehicle without proper permission.

The materials were forwarded to the Tirana Judicial District Prosecutor's Office for further action.