Sokol Sadushi Elected Head of High Court

Sokol Sadushi was elected Head of the High Court, with 17 votes in favour and one against. 

The general meeting of judges of the High Court this Tuesday carried out the procedure for the election of the Head of this court, where the Vice-chair of the High Judicial Council was also present. 

"On 17.10.2023, the general meeting of judges of the High Court held the procedure for the election of the Head of this Court. The Deputy Chairman of the High Judicial Council was also present at this meeting. 

Referring to the requirements of Article 51 of Law no. 96/2016 "On the status of judges and prosecutors in the Republic of Albania" (amended), Article 26, point 1 of Law no. 98/2016 "On the organization of judicial power in the Republic of Albania" (amended), as well as decision No. 485, dated 21.09.2023 of the Supreme Judicial Council "On the approval of the rules for the election of the President of the Supreme Court", the General Meeting continued with the voting procedure. 

In the end, with 17 votes in favour and 1 vote against, Mr. Sokol Sadushi was elected as Head of the High Court," it is said in the announcement.