Special Court Hearing on Notorious Laert Haxhiu Postponed
Hearing on Laert Haxhiu, accused of the double murder in Lushnja in 2017, where Jurgen Hoxha and Zamir Latifi lost their lives, while Xjulio Shkurti escaped the assassination, has been postponed this Friday.
Special Court scheduled the next session on December 1 to give time to the appointed lawyer to familiarize himself with the file as well as to the prosecution to present the written evidence.
Lawyer Detar Hysi again asked the court to give up the defense of Laert Haxhiu because the latter did not express his consent to be represented by Hysi.
Laert Haxhiu was arrested months ago in Ioannina, Greece.
Court of Appeal in Ioannina has given the green light for the extradition of the much-wanted Laert Haxhia, overturning the decision given by the Court of First Instance, which had rejected Haxhiu's extradition.
Interior Ministry has confirmed for the local media that the Court of Appeal of Ioannina has decided in favor of extradition, but according to Greek legislation, Laert Haxhiu has the right to request a review of this decision by the Supreme Court.
Laert Haxhiu is wanted by Albanian justice for several serious criminal events.
He was sentenced to 18 years in prison by the Court of Lushnja, for wounding Sajmo Xhelili and Xjulio Shkurti, the latter the grandson of Aldo Bare.