Tirana Secondary School to Undergo Reconstruction Works

Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, inspected this Tuesday the start of works at the 9-year-old school "Avni Rustemi" in the capital, which is being rebuilt stronger, more beautiful and with more modern conditions for students.

During the inspection, the Mayor said that the reconstruction of the school will increase even more the value of the property in this area.

"Avni Rustemi School", an old school, but also a depreciated school, built with poor, circumstantial means from the years of communism. It has indeed produced many talents, meaning that a talent thrives regardless of the terrain.

However, the time has come for the school to be dignified like all other schools. Even many schools that were not destroyed by the earthquake, but may have had simple damage, certainly stand out from the beautiful superschools that have been made. Therefore, it is the turn of "Petro Nini", "11 Janari", "Edit Durham", and "Avni Rustemi", which is the first school in this series where we are intervening", said Veliaj.

Nevertheless, the "Avni Rustemi" school, which is also known as the nursery of Albanian basketball, has a capacity of 850 students, while the reorganization of the teaching and sports spaces will take place.