Weather Forecast, Temperatures in Albania Up to 39°C

According to MeteoAlb, the weather in the Republic of Albania will be characterized by clearings, which will remain until the first hours of the afternoon when in the mountainous areas temporary clouds will appear, which gradually include the low areas. 

While the coastline remains clear. These atmospheric conditions continue even at night. Air temperatures drop slightly to a minimum and maximum values ​​ranging from 17 ° C in the morning to 39 ° C at noon. 

The wind will be moderate and strong with speeds up to 45 km / h, from the Northwest direction, while in the open sea there will be 3-4 Hz. 


Until the afternoon, the Republic of Kosovo is presented with clear and hot weather. But the afternoon and the following hours bring about an increase in eclipses initially in the northern areas and gradually spread throughout the country. 

Region and Europe 

Wind storms and rainstorms partly dominate the countries of the Western Balkans, Central Europe and all the countries of Eastern Europe. While clearings and high temperatures are prevalent in the Aegean Coasts, Mediterranean Basin Countries and Northern Europe.