Works for New Bus Terminal in Tirana Start

The construction of the Northwest bus terminal at the Kamza turn has already started. The news was announced by the Mayor of Tirana, Erion Veliaj, who explained that this terminal will be five times bigger than the East Terminal, near TEG.

During the field inspection, Mayor Veliaj said that the problems with ownership, which delayed the implementation of this project for nine years, have been resolved.

According to Tirana’s Mayor, this is one of the most vital projects for Tirana, which will also provide a solution to traffic.

Giving details on the project, the mayor said that it will be similar to the Eastern Bus Terminal, but five times bigger. The terminal will also include a green area, which can be frequented by travelers or residents. To further accelerate the work, in mid-October, Veliaj said that the transfer of the provisional terminal would take place. "On around October 15, we will make the transfer mediated by Tirana Parking to this territory where we are now. All the buses that used to go to the end will come here so that we can build the main terminal. It will be a terminal similar to an airport", said the mayor of Tirana.

While making a summary of the successful investments of the municipality of Tirana, Veliaj added that all the big projects have been attacked by the opposition, which has not been able to block them.