Albania Signs Agreement with UAE on Cyber Security

The agreement between Albania and the United Arab Emirates on cyber security is signed. During her speech, the Minister of Infrastructure and Energy, Belinda Balluku, said that after the cyber attack some time ago, among the countries that came to Albania's aid were the United Arab Emirates. 

"So, obviously, the first ones who came to us were the United Emirates together with other partners, where I want to single out the USA. But in the meantime, our relationship with the United Emirates has moved to another level. There is talk of a long-term cooperation, which will help the cyber security sector to rise to a level of expertise to face any type of attack in the future. 

One of the most important elements for protection. We share daily information with the UAE about attacks during the day and they do the same with us. A memorandum of cooperation will be signed between the two parties. Today we begin a new chapter of new cooperation with the United Emirates. The exchange of information, knowledge, human capacity which is one of the most important assets and the establishment of systems which we have already done the analysis, the entire strategy of what we will need for the future and we have presented all these challenges to our partners and agency specialists," said Balluku.