Albanian Premier Meets Mitsotakis

Prime Minister Edi Rama is on a two-day visit to Athens, where he opened his personal exhibition. 

The head of the government met the Greek Prime Minister, Kyrakos Mitsotakis, while the working dinner follows at the "Maxim" government headquarters. 

The two delegations will have bilateral talks regarding open topics in bilateral relations. Rama has included in the delegation the Minister of Finance, Delina Ibrahimaj, while on Tuesday the economic forum will be held, where there will be large companies operating in both countries. 

Rama's exhibition was inaugurated by Nikos Dendias in "Zapion Megaro" of the Greek capital, while the Foreign Minister praised Edi Rama as an artist, but also as a politician. 

There are 33 works created since 2015 and 15 works from 2023. In addition to paintings, there are also some ceramic works in the exhibition.