CAA Reacts on the 2nd EU-Albania Intergovernmental Conference

The Council of Albanian Ambassadors (CAA) warmly welcomed Tuesday the holding of the II Intergovernmental EU-Albania conference on October 15 in Luxembourg, which marks the opening of membership negotiations for the First Group Chapters.

In a publics statement, this council said that after the First Intergovernmental Conference in Brussels on July 22, 2022 and the blocking of this process for almost two years due to the Greek veto, the opening of negotiations on the vital chapters of justice, the judiciary, the rule of law, the fight against corruption, etc. is a moment with great political, institutional, diplomatic and social importance for our country. Full declaration below:

It is the synthesis of numerous efforts during these last two years, through the successful analytical review of legislation and different practices from various state and non-governmental institutions.

On this occasion, CAA welcomes and congratulates the team of negotiators, the participating institutions in this process, the MEFA, in particular the Parliamentary Committee on Integration, as the most comprehensive and supervising institution of this vital process, actors and factors of civil society, the media, groups of interest, etc. for their help and efforts, so that we go to Luxembourg with a positive balance and fewer problems, for a more dignified and fruitful representation.

Undoubtedly, the achievements and accomplishments in the areas included in this group of chapters are a good basis for a normal progress of the long process of these talks. Also, the trainings, seminars, exchange of experience with many EU member countries, the all-round help and support of the latter in the process of bringing our legislation closer to the European one, the high level of qualification of our negotiators, etc. constitute favorable premises in this regard.

However, CAA finds it necessary to underline the need for a fairer care and evaluation and without euphoria of this complicated process. Without denying the positive aspects, emphasis should be placed on the shortcomings and concerns created in recent years, which negatively affect the duration of the negotiations. The problems are caused precisely in the chapters of the first grouping, which are the essence of the content of the negotiations. The realization and progress in the other five groups of chapters also depends on them. Let us reiterate on this occasion that both parties will return to this grouping even at the end of the negotiation process. 

CAA recalls that in these directions, the EU has made a number of critical remarks and warnings, especially regarding some laws and draft laws that contradict the spirit and letters of the European ones, such as that of strategic investors, criminal amnesty, as well as on widespread corruption, organized crime, non-compliance with the decisions of the Supreme Court, and the problems related to the realization of free and fair elections.

The previous experience of the most advanced countries proves that the EU will “scrutinize” all new draft laws, acts and various government actions and on this basis will evaluate and continue the negotiating process in the coming years.

Based on the above, CAA calls on the government and the parliamentary majority to better take into account the spirit, legislation and practices of the EU in the process of drafting and especially approving laws, to consult with it, so that those laws do not turn into further causes, obstacles and delays.

In this regard, the announcement of the year 2030 as an objective for our membership in the EU should be considered rather as an occasion and a call for total mobilization in all directions, first by the government, in creating a much more favorable terrain and environment, a much more conciliatory ones with the opposition, which has its own important role.

CAA agrees with the opinion that membership in the EU belongs not only to the government and diplomacy, but to the whole society, the economy, the media, the general public, everyone. Anyway, at the head of this historical process and the main responsibility is the government. Even the opposition has its sensitive role. Of decisive importance here is the creation of a broad supra-party European front, in order to accelerate the pace through dialogue, consensus and the spirit of supra-party compromise.

The experience so far requires a fair and equal assessment of the Commission, the Council, the Parliament and the European Foreign Service, without overestimating or underestimating any of them, as has happened in the past.

Also, this requires the development of the best possible relations and without any incident with all 27 EU Member States and especially with the neighboring countries; this is also the best way to avoid any possible veto or blockage in the future. We remind you that the 2020 Enlargement Methodology gives the right to any EU member country to request the termination and suspension of negotiations, when, according to them, the aspirant country does not fulfill the appropriate European values ??and standards.

Furthermore, CAA expresses regret and concern for the separation of North Macedonia from our country in this process for known reasons. We very much hope that the relevant authorities in Skopje and Sofia will react and resolve the disputes together and in European understanding, implementing their obligations when the talks were opened two years ago.

Despite this separation, which we hope will be temporary, there are all possibilities for both our countries to continue and strengthen their cooperation in this field, as in the last 20 years, with the hope that as soon as possible they will be and progress together again in this vital process.

Finally, CAA expresses its conviction that the II Intergovernmental EU-Albania Conference and the opening of talks on the first group chapters will serve as an important moment for greater work and dedication, with a European spirit, aligned with the EU, in the field of foreign policy and in other directions.

As before, CAA expresses its readiness to provide its assistance in this process, thanks to its composition, with senior diplomats, ambassadors and former foreign ministers, who have served devoutly in Tirana and in many European capitals and continue to contribute to this historical process in other elite tasks and functions, with their knowledge, experience, and valuable publications.