Edy Reja Against Political Intervention in Sports
The elections in the Albanian Football Association (AFA) have produced a lot of noise during this period, because Mayor of Tirana has publicly engaged in the campaign to remove Armand Duka after 5 mandates, accusing him of corruption.
AFA considers this a political intervention. During these days there have been many events, with the mos serious one being the TNT explosion on Duka's house, fortunately with no people injured.
The coach of the Albanian national team, Edy Reja, also spoke about this situation for "Corriere dello Sport". The AFA has published his statement on its website: “I want to express my full solidarity with President Duka. It had never occurred to me before to see a similar incident of this nature, I'm really sorry for Duka. I have heard about some controversies in Albania, but I can say that politics has no place in football. We are doing an extraordinary job with the Albanian Football Association. It would be a sin to destroy it or be questioned."