Ex-General Police Director Appointed AMP Head

The former General Director of the State Police, Ardi Veliu, was introduced this Friday as the new Director of the Agency for Police Surveillance (AMP). 

Veliu, who until mid-week held the post of Deputy Minister of Energy, will replace Muhamet Rrumbullaku in this directorate. 

"The new Director of the Police Supervision Agency (AMP) Ardi Veliu was introduced today, who replaces Mr. Muhamet Rrumbullaku in this position. 

Former Director Rrumbullaku led the Agency with high results in a reform process, transforming into a more civilian structure in the exercise of control and supervision of the State Police, the Republic Guard and the Fire Service. 

Thanks to the persistent and intensive work of the Agency under the direction of Mr. Rrumbullaku, it has gone through a transformative process, becoming the vanguard of law enforcement in the context of combating negative phenomena such as illegality and corruption among State Police employees. 

The results achieved by the Agency during this period have made it one of the institutions most supported by the public in terms of responsiveness and law enforcement. 

Director Veliu is appointed at the head of the Agency after a long managerial experience in the structures of the State Police, as well as the position as Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Energy. He committed himself to the continuation of the work, in deepening the reforms started," it is stated in the announcement.