General Police Director Holds Meeting with Head of Customs

In the framework of the intensive work being carried out by all State Police and supporting structures, in order to manage as best as possible the peak of the 2023 tourist season, as well as the flow of visitors and tourists who choose Albania, the General Director of Police of the State Muhamet Rrumbullaku held a meeting with the General Director of Customs, Genti Gazheli and the General Director of the Port Authority, Pirro Vengu. 

The meeting, very important, as it put in the center of the discussions between the holders, the fight against drug trafficking, arms trafficking, against smuggling, the transfer of significant amounts of money that have the source of crime, as well as the fast and accurate processing of citizens' data and the means by which they move and the avoidance of bureaucracies, to maximally facilitate the movement and minimize the time cost. 

During the discussion, the General Director evaluated the cooperation so far between the 3 institutions, and emphasized that the very good management of the multiplied movement during the 2023 tourist season, without incidents and with concrete results, proves a parallel and maximum commitment of all, which does not it should only continue at these rates until the end of the tourist season, but it should remain equally stable and persistent even after the end of the season, given that the border crossing points constitute an important link of public security. 

Following this, the leaders of the 2 authorities, Vengu and Gazheli, also evaluated the coordination of work with the Police employees at the border crossing points and the results achieved by the police intelligence. The cooperation between the 3 institutions has included checks/scans with contemporary methods, exchange of information and joint interventions. All these elements have brought excellent results in the fight against border crimes, as well as enabled the free and safe circulation of citizens, goods and services.