GJKKO Condemns 25 Years in Jail the 5 People Involved in Murder Attempt against Prosecutor

The Special Court against Corruption condemned the five people that secured the conditions to murder former prosecutor of Durresi Arjan Ndoja.

The last survived the murder attempt along with Aleksander Laho, but his driver died.

Court decided to condemn all the five with 25 years in jail.

According to the decision, former nephew of socialist MP, Rrahman Rraja was condemned with six years in jail, Genti Ndërjaku 5.4 years, Bashkim Haxhia 4.8 years, Endrit Sinani 4.8 and Julian Pjetri with 4.4 years in jail.

The Special Prosecution against Corruption required 43 years in total in jail for these people.

The event happened on 1 November 2019.