How to Registers, Rules to Know about Tirana's Marathon
Tirana Marathon 2022 will return on October 23 as the capital's biggest sports event, with the participation of 2500 runners from all over the world.
This event is organized with the approval of three itineraries approved by the World Athletics Federation and with the support of the Albanian Athletics Federation, giving it the seriousness of an international activity.
All those who want to challenge themselves and compete will need to register by October 17, and will be provided with race numbers and bib timers on October 21 and 22, 2022 at the relevant service tent, near "Skenderbej" square set up by the organizers.
The hours of this service will be from 09:00 to 20:00. Citizens can register on the official online website of the Tirana Marathon, in the "register" section, as well as at all EasyPay service points in Albania.
All contestants 18 years of age, in order to have a valid registration, must send through the system, a photo of the ID card of one of their parents or guardians and the declaration of acceptance of participation signed by them.
You will be able to download the participation acceptance statement in the "Register" section after filling in the date of birth.
Before the start of the competition, each participant must have it on a visible part of the body, namely on the chest or abdomen. Race numbers and bib timers must be in place until the finish or when the participant withdraws from the race.
Competing without the bib number and time meter, with which each participant is provided by the organizers, is considered a violation and results in the non-recording of the time recorded by the participant caught with this violation.
Exceeding the limits of the route defined by the organizers is considered a violation and results in the non-recording of the time recorded by the participant caught in this violation.
Meanwhile, the participants will declare their state of health before the competition.
All participants for all categories who will reach the finish area will be provided with the participation medal.
1-Participation in one of the Tirana Marathon races, using other sports equipment or motor transport is not allowed. Any type of sports equipment or motorized transport, which may harm the safety, fair competition or health of the participants or spectators is not allowed in the competition. For example, this includes bicycles, skates, hover boards, etc.
(2) Accompanying participants with bicycles, in-line skates and other means of transport or animals is not allowed, this leads to the disqualification of the respective participant.
(3) In case of actions that disturb the proper course of the event or that endanger the safety of the participants, the organizer is authorized to stop and disqualify the person in question from the competition at any time.
(4)-There will be water supply points along the race route. They will be placed approximately every 2 km.
(5)-The Tirana Marathon event will take place in all weather conditions.