SSA Finds Bad Conditions in National Library
The National Library even after two incidents that occurred years ago with a flood and a fire in its premises continues to remain in the same conditions.
The Supreme State Audit (SSA) underlined that the audit conducted recently did not find any improvement compared to the one held 6 years ago, on the contrary, the building has been depreciated even more while the risk has increased. For KLSH, what is a serious problem is especially the lack of space and conditions in which the fund of rare values is preserved today, emphasizing that its loss would be a national catastrophe.
"What is worrying is that even today, 6 years after the last audit, the situation continues to be the same and more problematic, as the more years pass, the more the building is depreciated, bringing a high risk of both fire and fire of the first floor, where the fund of rare values ??is preserved, which for the importance it has, may be a "national catastrophe" its loss.
Since 1986, there has been a lack of space to place library materials in the fund, which has forced to find temporary solutions of various natures outside any world standard: Library materials are not placed on shelves, but on the floor; The fund of rare values ??(antiques and manuscripts) is partially placed in metal crates outside any normative and international standard", it is stated in the KLSH document.
On the whole, the auditors have concluded that the library service and especially the National Library exercises its activity in difficult conditions, not worthy of such an institution, a symbol of national culture. The problems are numerous, starting from the crisis of spaces for books to the lack of spaces for readers, the lack of spaces for staff and employees.
An important element taken into analysis has been the progress of the digitization process that poses the technological challenge of the National Library but the steps that have been taken have not had clear definitions on the objectives making it difficult to evaluate over the years. It seems that even the authorities associated with the library have not been effective.
“The Scientific Council and the Administrative Council of the Library turn out to have been ineffective, not fulfilling their functional duties in violation of Articles 16 and 17 of the Statute of the KB approved by Order no. 70, dated 13.02.2015, and Article 6 of the Regulation no.136, dated 15.09.2010 "On the organization and functioning of the National Library", leading to lack of audit trail, lack of study activity plans and lack of efficiency, effectiveness and economy of the activity of the KB, in the process of digitalization ”is said in the audit.
(Source: Monitor)