The Director of the Supervision Department at the Central Bank Denis Derralla

Microcredits; 'Blacklist' for Bad Creditors

The Director of the Supervision Department at the Bank of Albania, Denis Derralla said that the changes made by the Bank of Albania in the regulation "On risk management in the activity of non-banking financial entities" focus on risk management of credit from these institutions in terms of consumer protection.

The changes are part of the package that brings an improvement in the situation for the consumer regarding crediting, Derralla said, ATA reported on Saturday.

According to the bank official, the introduction of some requirements in a regulation forces non-bank financial institutions to approve loans based on financial analysis and not simply through documentation submitted by the individual.

"The regulation determines the form with which the financial analysis must be done, determines the indicator that the non-bank financial institution must take into account when approving the loan, and does not allow the institution to grant loans to those who cannot pay," he said.

Derralla emphasized that the changes provide for the preparation of a "blacklist" for all those individuals who are unable to get a loan and this "blacklist" serves to inform all those who are excluded from lending by all financial institutions and banks.