Albanian Schools to Stay Open amid Covid-19, Flu Outbreak
Although Albania has entered a new wave of pandemics with increased infection rates as a result of the two variants Delta, Omicron and the group virus going around , schools are not seen as hotbeds or risk for increased cases and coronavirus infections.
This decision about non-closure of schools was made known by the Chairwoman of the Committee of Experts, Mira Rakacolli, during this Thursday’s meeting.
Current measures in force will not change for teaching in schools, which will continue the same as before, while Rakacolli stressed that the changes will depend on epidemiological indicators.
"Today, epidemiological indicators do not advise closing the lesson. These are recommendations of WHO experts that in this situation it is not recommended to close schools but like all other measures will be looked at in relation to the dynamics of the epidemiological situation", pronounced Rakacolli.