Democrat Ex-MP Osja Dies at 78 Years of Age

Former MP of Democratic Party (DP), Ahmet Osman Osja has died at the age of 78 the branch of DP informed on Monday.

Osja gave his contribution in many fields, mainly in science, where he started working as a lecturer at the University, diplomacy and teaching.

He was involved in the democratic process from the very beginning and represented the right in the legislature of 1992-96. He became the strong voice of all those who trusted his vote, ranking him among the five most voted deputies in the Parliament of those years, assed the DP.

The deceased had the civic courage to in many parliamentary sessions not only demand the rights of the individual but also to strongly urge the adoption of property rights laws, fueling much debate and discussion, said Shkodra’s DP.

“Democratic Party Shkodra branch, sadly conveys the news of the separation from Life of the former deputy of the Democratic Party, Ahmet Osman Osja.

Former MP Osja, continued the tradition of his noble family by contributing extensively to the Nation. He was among the first citizens to find the courage to bring about democratic change in the country. With his persuasive speech and characteristic wisdom and calmness he became the person around whom thousands of people gathered, thus being one of the most beloved and respected Democrats.

Ahmet Osja, represented the Democratic Party in the legislature of the years 92'-96, as one of the most voted deputies in the Republic. His speeches will be remembered for the emphasis he placed on the enjoyment of individual rights and especially on property rights. He was the deputy who listened to every individual and stood by everyone, and who patiently and simply tried to realize the rights of everyone.

His contributions have continued unabated as they will continue as guidelines forever through the memory and numerous publications he left us as the legacy of his extensive knowledge and field research.

The Democratic Party was fortunate to have as its representative the knowledgeable, wise man and diplomat. We will always appreciate Professor Ahmeti for everything he offered us”, proclaimed Shkodra Branch of DP on the social networks.