Geneva, Coordinator Meidani Introduces Albanian Govt's Contribution to GCERF Board

In Geneva, Switzerland took place the 17th meeting of the Steering Board of the Global Community Engagement and Resilience Fund, "GCERF", which followed the 16th meeting that was held in June of this year in Tirana. 

For the first time, Albania is a member of the Governing Board of GCERF, which is supported by 19 governments such as the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Great Britain, the EU, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Qatar, etc., international organizations, foundations, corporations and individuals. In this organization, Albania is represented by the Director of CVE and the National Coordinator for the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism "P/CVE" Mr. Denion Meidani. 

At the international conference held in New York on September 20, 2022, 18 countries announced their pledges with various donations in the amount of 66 million USD for the period 2022 to 2024, to prevent violent extremism through peaceful means. This funding will be channeled through GCERF. At this conference for the first time GCERF calls on donors to make multi-year commitments, to expand its activities and to ensure greater predictability for its project support in the joint global fight against terrorism and violent extremism . 

Following this conference, the Albanian government pledged a symbolic contribution in the amount of 60 thousand euros, as a donation in the context of this war and common global threat. This contribution from the side of Albania is small compared to the continuous support that GCERF has given to the country and the region, but symbolic and valuable as a sign of gratitude for the support received and a pledge of the continuous efforts that the Albanian government has made and continues to do for global order and security. Also, this symbolic act on the part of the Albanian government was considered by GCERF as an impetus and stimulus for donors and other countries for increased contribution and future cooperation in this field. 

This contribution of the Albanian government was presented to the Governing Board of GCERF by means of a letter from the Minister of the Interior, which was read and presented to the leader of this organization by the member of the board and representative of Albania in this Board, Mr. Denion Meidani. 

"On behalf of the Albanian Government, I would like to convey to you the most sincere gratitude of our Minister of the Interior, as shown in this letter of thanks that I present today. Please allow me to express our gratitude to GCERF for the extraordinary support given to Albania and especially to the Coordination Center for Countering Violent Extremism "CVE". I am proud to announce here that the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Albania has given a financial contribution to the Board of Directors of GCERF, as a sign of appreciation for the contribution and support of GCERF. This is merely a token act of gratitude for the tremendous commitment of aid that GCERF has given to our country and for the remarkable results we have achieved, together. Please consider it not only as a sign of gratitude, but also as a promise of the importance we attach to our continuity", quoted Mr. Meidani from the Minister's letter. 

The organizers especially thanked Minister Çuçi, the team of the Ministry of the Interior as well as the Center Against Violent Extremism, for the June conference in Tirana, but also the dedication and commitment to prevent and/or fight radicalization and violent extremism, positioning the country in the ranks of examples of success.