Man Left in Jail for Killing for BloodFeud

Durrës court has ordered a prison sentence for Habib Rexha, the perpetrator of the murder of Arian Gosa on May 21 in a bar in Kavajë.

While his friend, Erivs Kurti, who allegedly helped him leave after committing the serious crime, has been placed under house arrest under the charge of not reporting the crime.

The 31-year-old Rexha stated before the investigation group that he committed the murder because he and his family felt threatened and that his friend was unaware of the incident.

Habib Rexha executed Arian Gosa with a bullet to the head in a bar in Kavaja, while the victim was drinking coffee with his father.

Two days later, Habib Rexha surrendered to the Police, where he chose to tell his version of why he had committed the murder, as well as the place where he had hidden the pistol.

The event comes about 2 months after Habib Rexha's brother and Arian Gosa's brother were killed after a banal fight in Kavaja, where they shot each other with a knife and a pistol.

Habib Rexha has been charged with murder for blood feud, as well as possession of weapons without a permit.