Parliamentary Session Lasts only 15 Minutes amid Chaos and Protests

The Monday's Parliamentary Session lasted only 15 minutes, as the ruling majority couldn't manage more the chaos, protests and the screams of the democrats, who entered with force inside the session.

Prime Minister, Edi Rama who was present, couldn't speak in the session, while the democrats tried to reach him, but were stopped by the guards officers.

Parliament Speaker, Lindita Nikolla, accused the opposition that is not working for the people but for itself.

Just a week ago, Parliament excluded some of the democrat MPs, among them Albana Vokshi, Sorina Koti, Elda Hoti, Lindita Metaliaj, Isuf Çela, Tritan Shehu, Lefter Gështenja, Helidon Bushati, Xhelal Mziu, Edmon Spaho, Oerd Bylykbashi, Ervin Salianji, Saimir Korreshi, Kasëm Mahmutaj, Ramadan Likaj, Kastriot Piroli, Qani Xhafa, Lodovik Hasani and Luan Baçi.

Some of the could enter the session this Monday.