Three New Mayors of Northern Kosovo to Take Oaths of Office

Three new mayors of the northern municipalities of Kosovo will take their oaths of office in public buildings this Thursday.

Mayors elected in the three northern municipalities, Leposavic, Zubin Potok and Zveçan, are expected to be sworn in on Thursday at 10:00.

This was announced by Prime Minister Albin Kurti announced on Wednesday.

At the government meeting, he said that it is not normal that for 6 months these municipalities have been left without a mayor and citizens without municipal services.

Kurti stated that their actions are centered on the democratic functioning of state institutions and the guarantee of public services for all citizens without distinction.

On Friday, the mayor of North Mitrovica Municipality, Erden Atiç, was sworn in, and he also appointed 4 municipal directors.

The first decision Atic made was the appointment of Katarina Agjancic from the Serbian community as vice president.