Two-thirds of Ministers Fail to Justify Assets
The data analyzed by BIRN, based on the annual asset declarations of the members of the Council of Ministers from 2013 to 2018, show that 67% of the members of the cabinets, including the prime minister, do not justify the increase in their family net worth in at least one year during their political career.
The declarations of the ministers were analyzed with the help of three financial experts, who categorized and put in a database the data provided by the asset declarations. The information was analyzed using the method of arithmetic-logic control, as one of the forms used by HIDAACI during the verification of the assets of public officials. The analysis of the assets, liabilities, income and expenses of the 27 members of the cabinet reveals a long series of ‘red flags,’ including income from rents and businesses, shares in private companies, profits from the sale of real estate and vehicles, high liabilities to construction companies as well as borrowings.
BIRN received from HIDAACI copies of 279 annual periodic statements made during 2013-2018 by ministers and Prime Minister Edi Rama. Part of the analysis were 16 members of the government in the years 2018-2019 and 11 former ministers. Excluding the first year of asset declaration, 252 declarations were subjected to arithmetic-logic control. Data analysis showed that 39 of the 252 forms completed by the ministers and the prime minister during 2013-2018 failed to pass the arithmetic-logic control. Declarations containing problems account for 15.5% of the total analyzed.
Unjustified assets, according to the arithmetic-logic control of the declarations submitted to the High Inspectorate of Declaration of Assets and Conflict of Interest, amounts to 398.8 million ALL or 83% of the total net assets of the Cabinet.
Of the total number of ministers and former ministers who underwent arithmetic-logical control, 18 resulted in having unjustified assets in at least one year, while 9 members of the cabinet did not have irregularities.
Data on asset declarations analyzed by BIRN showed that before taking office, the total gross family income of the 27 members of the government was 563.1 million ALL. The largest value in the assets of the members of the Rama cabinet is occupied by the real estate in the amount of 745.4 million ALL or 50% of the total, followed by the bank liquidations with the amount of 520 million ALL or 34.9% of the total. Other items such as vehicles, cash, lending or equity/shares account for a total of about 15% of assets.