9th Member of Constitutional Court Elected
High Court has elected the 9th member of the Constitutional Court. Holta Zaçaj will take the place of the vice president Vitore Tusha.
In this Monday's meeting, the members of the High Court between Elsa Miha and Zaçaj chose the latter, due to the scoring.
Zaçaj was elected first with 84.7 points compared to 82 points that Miha secured. With the election of the new member, the Constitutional Court is completed with the full number of 9 members.
The vote was a runoff, 6 to 6 between two candidates, and in the end Zaçaj was appointed to the Constitutional Court due to the scoring.
"Based on Article 125, point 1 of the Constitution, Article 7/ç of Law no. 8577, dated 10.2.2000 'On the organization and functioning of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Albania', as amended, as well as the Regulation approved by the General Meeting of Supreme Court Judges, 'On the election of the member of the Constitutional Court', today on January 16, 2023, at 9:30 a.m., the Special Meeting of High Court judges conducted the voting procedure for the election of the member of the Constitutional Court, based on the list sent for this purpose by the Judicial Appointments Council. At the end of the voting process, it turned out that candidate Holta Zaçaj received 6 (six) votes and candidate Elsa Miha received 6 (six) votes, while 3 (three) votes were declared invalid. Pursuant to Article 7/ç, point 4, which states: "For each vacant seat, a vote is taken for each of the candidates ranked in the first three places of the list. The candidate who receives three-fifths of the votes of the judges present is declared elected. If the necessary majority is not reached, the candidate ranked first by the Judicial Appointments Council is considered elected', the commission declared candidate Holta Zaçaj as the winner. Under these conditions, the Special Meeting of judges decided that Mrs. Holta Zaçaj is elected a member of the Constitutional Court. This decision is immediately notified to the Speaker of the Assembly, the President of the Republic, the President of the Constitutional Court and is sent for publication to the Center of Official Publications," the announcement states.